Yahooooooooooo! My hand drawn design is sold

My hand drawn logo design sold in market place. I'm very happy with fiverr market place. I will work in the market place long time and i will delivery the hand drawn logo design to client in timely and eye catching.

Please  see my selling page and get the design for low cost. 

What are packages?
I see many cliets are facing confuce in fiverr gig packaging system. Package mainly one kind of design powers. Three Kind of Package in fiverr gig/selling source
i.e Basic, Standard and premium. 

When you will purches in basic package than seller give you sample sketch and file that means 1000x100pix and 72 dip quality intends with JEPG file and

you will purches standard package than seller give you 1600x1600pix and 150dip quality intends with JEPG, PNG PSD files, sort time and Last

you will purches premium package than seller give you 2500x2500pix and 300dip quality intends wiht JEPG, PNG, PSD and vector files and include different intend.


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